lunes, 23 de junio de 2008


En Junio van a empezar los juegos olímpicos en Pekín. Y parece que todos los grandes dirigentes de este mundo descubren el Tibet y su problemática. Acaso no sabían ? Acaso no sabían cuando, hace ocho años, le otorgaron la responsabilidad de esos juegos a las autoridades chinas ? Sin que nadie se moleste en denunciar cualquier sabor a injusticia por el lado de los altos tibetanos ? Acaso no sabían ? Y ahora qué ? Ahora todos van con sus discursillos moralizadores mostrando del dedo al gobierno chino. Y los chinos muertos de la risa. Muertos de la risa porque ellos saben lo que todo el mundo sabe ya… y es que ellos tienen al mundo occidental bien agarradito por los huevos del comercio. Que ironía ! El último gran país comunista tiene al mundo capitalista a sus pies… desde que decidió jugar al mismo juego que pretendía vencerlo…visto de diez años atrás, esto parece un chiste imposible… …pero es así…. …Mundo difficile e futuro incerto…(Tonino Carotone) …la vida es una tómbola… Y si algún día , en esa gran tómbola que es la vida , todos esos bienpensantes muñecos del comité olímpico, deciden ortogar los juegos olímpicos a Marruecos . Que pasará ? Puede ser que el mundo descubra que existe el Pueblo Saharaui ? Puede ser que todos los políticos y intelectuales del mundo le dirán a los marroquíes …que esos muros que han construido en un país que no les pertenece es una infamia ? Que todas esas minas a lo largo del desierto vendidas por Francia, Estados Unidos Etc…. han matado a suficiente gente ? Que todos esos desaparecidos, torturados o expoliados Saharauis a lo largo de más de treinta años de maltratos y resistencia eran y son personas de carne y hueso. Espejismos del desierto…espejismos de hipocresía… …hipocresía de los gobiernos…que dejan hacer…cuando no apoyan. Impotencia ( o subordinación ?) de la ONU que ya parece no mandar ni en su propia casa. Como se vera la ONU en los espejos ? Ciega o cómplice ? Dejemos el bla bla bla, la respuesta es variopinta pero desalentadora. No tiene punto final. Como no puede haber punto final antes que el Pueblo Saharaui tenga el derecho de vivir libre en sus tierras y costas del Atlántico. Es la responsabilidad de la ONU. Y también del gobierno Español por razones vergonzosas pero históricas. También responsabilidad del gobierno Francés y Estadounidense por su apoyo injusto e incondicional al régimen Marroquí. Y si un día acaba ese dolor, esa vergüenza, esa injusticia podría ser que el mundo descubra que teníamos encarcelados en el desierto a un pueblo que esta a la punta de un islamismo moderno por tolerante donde hombres y mujeres se respetan mutuamente. Donde el nivel de educación de los niños, pese a las condiciones de vida tremendamente adversas, es sin duda de los mas envidiables de todo el norte de África. Cuando, al fin, nos daremos cuenta que en el quinto infierno del desierto malvive la semilla de un mundo mejor y mas pacifico por ser menos radical. Semilla machacada por la realidad política y económica. Machacada por ladrones de traje fino que al fin y al cabo no son mas que los verdaderos bárbaros de esta historia triste por violenta y sin futuro para la humanidad. Para concluir estas palabras por una nota de optimismo positivo, desde aquí, Dajla (Sahara), lanzamos un llamamiento a mandar firmas para proponer la candidatura de la Republica Saharaui independiente para organizar los juegos olímpicos del 2016 al las orillas del mar Atlántico y entre las dunas de un desierto que sólo pide florecer.


August 2008 will see the start of the Olympic Games in Beijing, and it will look as though the great leaders of the world are only just finding out about Tibet and its problems. Maybe they didn't know? Did they indeed know, eight years ago, when they entrusted responsibility for the Games to the Chinese authorities? Isn't it unbelievable that not a single Western leader came forward at the time to denounce China at the merest suspicion of injustice in the mountains of Tibet? Maybe they didn't know? Maybe the situation was different? Hardly likely… And now, what will the world do? Everyone is now frantically producing little moralizing speeches, pointing the finger at the Chinese government…and the Chinese are dying of laughter, because they know what everyone else now knows: that they have the whole Western world by the commercial balls. What irony! The last great "communist" country now has the whole of the capitalist world at its feet, ever since it decided to play the very game that threatened to defeat it. Some 10 years down the road, it seems like a joke - an impossible joke - but that's how it is… "Mundo difficile et futuro incerto…la vida es une tombola" ("The world is difficult, and the future uncertain…life is a lottery") - Tonino Carotone And what if, one day, in this great lottery of life, all the right-thinking puppets on the Olympic Committee decided to entrust the Games to Morocco? What would happen? Maybe the world would finally discover the existence of the Sahrawi people. Would all the politicians and intellectuals of the world then suddenly take umbrage, and tell the Moroccan regime that what it is doing is vile? That the walls they have built in a country that does not belong to them are a disgrace? That all the mines sown across the desert, sold by France, the USA and everyone else, have killed enough people? That all the Sahrawi who have disappeared, been tortured or dispossessed during 30 years of appalling treatment and stalwart resistance, were - or rather are - human beings of flesh and blood and feelings. Mirages of the desert, mirages of hypocrisy, the hypocrisy of those governments that let it happen, even if they did not overtly support it. The impotence (or subordination?) of the UN, which has for many years (forever?) seemed neither servant nor master in its own house. How does the UN see itself in the mirror? As a mirage? Blind or complicit? All this aside, the answers are many but fatally devoid of hope, as true hope cannot exist on this planet until the Sahrawi people recover their inalienable right to live on their ancestral lands along the Atlantic coast. It is the responsibility of the UN, as well as of the Spanish government, for a host of shameful but historic reasons. It is also the responsibility of the French and American governments, given their unconditional support of the current Moroccan regime. That said, and to be able to mentally survive this mass of questions without answers and a multitude of unwarranted barbarities, let's leave reality behind and dream for a moment… What if, one day, the pain and disgrace of injustice were suddenly to cease. Would it be possible for the world to at last discover that, imprisoned in the desert, there lives a people at the leading edge of modern Islam - modern because it is tolerant, with men and women holding each other in mutual respect? A world where the level of children's education, despite desperately unfavourable living conditions, is without doubt the most enviable in the whole of North Africa, perhaps even better than in some of our suburbs? When? When will we recognize that, in a hellish corner of the Sahara desert, we are allowing the life to be sucked out of the seed of a better world, a world that is more peaceful because it is less radical? This seed is being crushed by political and economic realities, and by thieves in designer suits who, at the end of the day, are no more and no less than the real barbarians of this sad, violent story that allows humanity no future. To end these words on a note of optimism, today, on 19 April 2008, from the refugee camps of Dajla, we are launching an appeal for signatures in support of the Independent Sahwari Republic as a candidate to hold the 2016 Olympic Games alongside the Atlantic Ocean, amid the dunes of a desert that asks only to be allowed to bloom once again.

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